Warning: This website contains subject matter that relates to death and funery practices; graphic images relating to these topics will be included. Some of the bodies depicted on this website met a violent death and others may still have living relations. Please be advised about these concerns before viewing the website.
Interacting with the Dead: Past and Present
The ways in which the living interact with the dead vary greatly over
time, space and tradition. That being said much can be learnt about
how a civilization views the dead by studying how they interact with
their own.
Here we will study how people interact with the dead from the
Catacombs of Palermo and Paris. Because of the different purposes of
these two subterranean burial sites, people interacted with the dead
in different ways and this interaction has also changed over time.
The way in which people relate to the dead when the individual is
newly deceased will be different than how people will in later years.
Some of the interaction comes from familial involvement; when a
family visits a deceased member, it effects how they go about
engaging with that body. Other times, involvementis less personal, for
example visiting people who died potentiallycenturies earlier or if the
body is unidentified. Either way associatingor disassociating with the
dead changes how they are viewed. There are also other factors that
alter how the dead are perceived, such as how the body is displayed, as an individual or as a collection of bodies. The reason the bodies are within the catacombs will also affect how people engage with them.
There are many contributing factors to how people engage with the dead and many of these factors are examined in regards to how people interact, past and present, with the dead in the Catacombs of Palermo and Paris.
Visiting the Parisian Catacombs